Why to Always Book Direct when Making a Hotel Reservation

Bird Rock Hotel - Patio

Remember when you used to look for a hotel on the internet and the search result was just that hotel, not some third-party booking agency? Well, not anymore. Now you need to scroll past innumerable ads, then all those OTA’s (Online Travel Agents) and if you are lucky, you’ll find the website you are looking for on the first page of your search.

So what, you may ask. Isn’t it super convenient to see all hotels for the place you want to visit in one spot to compare prices? The short answer is: it’s misleading at best and deeply hurts small family-owned businesses such as our Bird Rock Hotel.

Wellness Weekend San Juan Island


The slower pace and peace of Winter on San Juan Island lend itself perfectly to an island getaway with a focus on rejuvenating your body, mind and soul. Being intentional with your self-care will help you find your center and get you ready to face life’s storms with grace and gratitude. Give yourself the great gift of a wellness weekend on San Juan Island.

Best Places to go Winter Birding on San Juan Island

Birding with San Juan Safaris, San Juan Island, Washington

San Juan Island is considered one of the best places to watch birds in the state. The isle has such variety in habitat, ranging from rocky shores and saltwater lagoons to farmland and prairies, that over 200 bird species call it their home. In addition, San Juan sits in the Pacific Flyway migration route ranging all the way from Alaska to South America, making Winter birding a special treat.

8 New Year’s Goals from San Juan Island that May Change Your Life


How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. We’ve all heard the statistics. Not the ones about elephant consumption, but the ones stating that only about 8% of New Year’s resolutions are accomplished. The reason they fail so predictably is simple: resolutions are vague and broad, open-ended and overly ambitious. Goals on the other hand, tend to be specific and measurable. We here at the Bird Rock Hotel deeply believe in specific goals, personal growth, the power of being kind and present and that the best is yet to come. Check out our goals for the next year and see which ones are for you. Many are easily achieved on a San Juan Island getaway, just saying….

Your Guide to Island-made Holiday Shopping in Friday Harbor

Friday Harbor, Washington

Nothing is easier and more fun than stress-free Holiday shopping in a small coastal town on a relaxing island weekend getaway. Our Bird Rock Hotel is conveniently located 1½ blocks from the ferry dock in the heart of the completely walkable Friday Harbor, twinkling with Holiday lights. Before you go, check out our irresistible December weekend specials, don’t forget to book yourself the massage you promised yourself months ago, come on up and get shopping.

Thankful on San Juan Island

With Thanksgiving just around the corner gratitude is on our minds. Research has shown, that simply thinking about gratitude reduces stress levels and depression and releases the “feel good” hormone DHEA. In addition, practicing positive thinking and gratefulness trains your brain’s neurological pathways to think happy by default as opposed to ruminating on the things which didn’t go your way or are out of your control.

How to Best Savor the San Juans

BR Blog - How to Savor SJ (night ferry)1.jpeg

If you have ever lived in a place with seasonal tourism you’ll know: the exhale after the high season is over, the giddiness of the first rain after the Summer, the gratefulness resulting from the earth's changing position in regard to the sun. We San Juan Islanders created a month-long celebration around this feeling and call it Savor the San Juans.

Bird Rock Hotel Washington